How To Overcome Anxiety

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No one wants to live his life and be anxious all the time because the person who is able to manage himself decreases the chance of having anxiety in his life.

1. Listen To Your Body
All of your body’s parts are connected. Your mind may be the first part where though anxiety starts, it can lead to very real symptoms in your body like headaches, chest pain, dizziness, an increased heart rate, and numbness in the hands, arms and fingers. These physical symptoms always make you more worried, which increases your anxiety. So, try to go somewhere quite and put your whole focus on your breath. Inhale slowly and deeply, pause, then exhale…

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2. Change Your Lifestyle
You may think yourself healthy, but what if your lifestyle increases  your anxiety without even your knowledge? Ask yourself these questions to find out: Do you maintain a healthy diet? Do you consume too much caffeine or alcohol? Do you smoke? Do you use your free time to do regular exercise or give yourself mental breaks? While these things may not be the main reasons that make you anxious, neglecting to maintain these areas healthy can cause more harm in our life.

3. Don’t Fight It
Facing our anxiety may seem a normal response for anyone. Your logical arguments are not helpful when you experience bouts with anxiety. So, it fights back when we fight it. When we shame it, we inevitably bring shame to ourselves, and then reinforce the negative thoughts that exist in our minds. Therefore, instead of declaring the war against anxiety or running from it, accompany it when it comes. Calmly, Think about what may be the factors causing it, and listen to what your body and mind are trying to tell you.

4. Practice Gratitude
The moment we are anxious, is the moment where negative thoughts sneak into our minds easily. This is logical because anxiety is a response to possible threats. So, when anxiety starts to creep in, try to concentrate only on what you are thankful for to overcome it. If the anxiety has a relationship with your work, remember three things you like and appreciate about your job.

5. Talk It Out
Unfortunately, there are some people in our society who think that the person seeking therapy is either weak or mentally ill. However, this is not the truth. Rmember, a lot of people have anxiety every day, and only few of them look for help. You are not alone in this! If you do a search on the web, you will find a long list of professionals who are happy to help you overcome your anxiety. Anxiety is a serious problem but this doesn’t mean you are not capable of overcoming it.

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