Habits That Completely Lower Your Confidence

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“Self-confidence is a super power. Once you start to believe in yourself, magic starts happening.” _ Unknown

Everybody should remember this quote in times they are in a situation that looks thougher than ever. Only you who is able to get you out of it and your belief in yourself.

Confidence plays an important role in the world we live today more than ever because the competition increases everyday and the only person who will support you and get you through it is you.

However, what are the habits that prevent you from having confidence in yourself? We all read a lot about the ways to be confident and to make others motivated. But, what are some things that don’t help you in being the best version of you?

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Let’s find out.

• Constant comparison with others: The others circumstances are not the same as yours and the goals of others differ from your own personal or professional goals. You have to only compare yourself today with yourself yesterday to see how much far have you growth. As long as you aim for being a better version of yourself every day, you are on the right path of growing.

• Taking failure to heart: If someone became successful easily, he wouldn’t feel like he got voctory. If everything was to be easy, you wouldn’t enjoy it, not every moment would like feel like something you should cherich. Failures are important and reveal that your life needs more good experiences and achievements. You can wake up every day striving for more opportunities that make you learn and more challenges that make you strong. Learn from your failures to be expert.

• Surrounding yourself with superficial people: It is good to keep your circle small. It’s okay not to have someone to go for Saturday night parties with. It’s okay to not being invited by every colleague to all sorts because nobody in each room want you to be good. Instead of having friends who fill you up with negative thoughts and self-doubt, have friends who don’t strive to compete with you or demotivate you. These are the people who will motivate you constantly and are happy for your progress as they will be proud of you.

• Pitying yourself: Self-pity is one of the worst habits that you can put yourself through. You should know that everyone has its own problems and not only you. Problems are part of life. Create your reality and believe in your capabilities. Try to get the best of every opportunity and even if it does not work out, do not let doubt chasing you all your life. Instead, find out what you could not have done better and have more experience. Nothing will stay forever so your feeling that hardships will never end shouldn’t continue for you.

• Constantly overthinking: Stop thinking that your work is useless and stop creating imaginary scenarios in your head. You must always be busy in improving yourself. That way, you won’t overthink. Don’t analyse every situation and make it a great problem. Convince your mind that everything is going to be all right and that every single problem must have a soulution.

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