Best 3 Ways To help You Build Your Self-Esteem

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When you are trying to be successful in controling yourself, you should have a high self-esteem. Why? This is because low self-esteem will make you a weak person who has many problems to face such as alcohol, drug use, low job performance, bad communication, domestic violence, depression and even suicide. A person with high self-esteem will be happier and more successful in life than a person with low self-esteem.


1. Focus On Your Strengths

You should concentrate on your strengths more than on your weaknessess. This will help you consider yourself as being ,at least, good at something. Your strength may be good communication, accomplishing tasks, health protection, well educated, ambition or physical activity, as long as you focus on growth, you will get more and more self-esteem. This is applied in all different activities and ares such school, work, relationship, family, etc…

2. Benefit From Your Failures

The second way that will help you to build your self-esteem is to learn how to deal with failure. This last one is considered as something normal and can happen to all people without expection. You should not let your failures make you want to give up. You have to try to learn from them as they are our bridge towards success. You may be asking how can you do this? Well, first try to find out what mistakes have you made in your method, and then try to fix them. Always motivate yourself to continue no matter what happens until you achieve your goals. Bear in your mind that nobody has ever succeeded without making mistakes. So, if you don’t fail you will never discover your mistakes and then you will never know the best method to get something done. So, self-esteem comes from never giving up and from learning from our failures and mistakes.

3. Control Choices And Options

The third way that will make you have self-esteem is to make yourself enable to choose. Just make sure you are controling the options. Do not waste your time on something ridiculous such as deciding what to wear for a night party. You may be too late for somerhing important only because you have many options in front of you that you end up wasting time trying to decide or choose. So, if you make a balance between options and choices, you will start having more self-confidence in deciding immediately. This will will enhance your self-esteem and give you more power to grow.

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