30 Beautiful Life Is Too Short Quotes That Will Inspire You

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Hi everyone! Our post today will be about life is too short quotes. “Life is too short” is a famous saying that most of people have heard or read in social media. In fact, everyone of us feels as if the days, weeks, months and years go fastly. Everyday we live, will not come again. So, we should not waste any single day without making out the most of it, and without enjoying every moment of it.

The beautiful quotes I am going to share with you in this article, will remind you to bear in mind that life is too short, and that will make you value the importance of time and spend it in beneficial things for yourself and your society in general. In other words, they will make you enjoy every minutes of your time and never spend it in negative things.

You may have some exciting goals you want to achieve in your life. The following quotes can help you and bring you inspiration needed to work on your goals and chieve them. As a result, you will dedicate your days to get more closer to your goals and dreams.

I hope that these quotes will help us all to never waste any moment of our lives in ridiculous things, and to enjoy our life with family and friends to the fullest. Morever, I hope that you will take a few minutes of your time to read these amazing quotes.

For more positive and motivational quotes, please follow our Facebook page: Life Lessons Page. We really share all kind of quotes that will inspire you and make you feel positive.

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Life Is Too Short Quotes

1. Life is too short to hide your feelings so don’t be afraid to say exactly how you feel.

2. Life is too short to miss out on being happy.

3. Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious. ― Phillips Brooks

4. Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why. ― Eddie Cantor

5. Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment. ― Deepak Chopra

6. Enjoy every moment you have. Because in life, there are no rewinds, only flashbacks.

7. Forgive Quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile.

8. In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. ― Abraham Lincoln

9. Life is a preparation for the future; and the best preparation for the future is to live as if there were none. ― Albert Einstein

10 Of 30 Quotes

10. Life is short. Stop worrying so much. Have fun. Be grateful. Be yourself. Don’t allow others to bring you down. Life is a one time offer. Life to your fullest. ― Karen Salmansohn

11. Life is available only in the present moment. If you abandon the present moment you cannot live the moments of your daily life deeply. ― Thich Nhat Hanh

12. Life is short. Be silly. Have fun. Love the people who treat you right. Forget the ones who don’t. Regret nothing. ― Karen Salmansohn

13. Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while you could miss it. ― Ferris Bueller

14. Life is short, it is up to you to make it sweet. ― Sarah Louise

Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. ― Wayne Dyer

16. Life is way too short to continue thinking you’re not worthy or good enough. Regardless of what others have told you, you are enough and are worthy of love and belonging.

17. Life is too short; enjoy each day, laugh at every chance, cry only if you must and never let others bring you down.

18. To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. ― Oscar Wilde

19. You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way. ― Walter Hagen

20 Of 30 Quotes

Life is too short quotes

20. Life is too short to waste a single second with anyone who doesn’t appreciate and value you. ― Sarah Dessen

21. Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time. ― Jim Rohn.

22. One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching. ― Gerard Way

23. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. But if you do, make new ones. Life is too short to make the wrong choice twice. ― Joyce Rachelle

24. Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. ― Charles Richards

25. Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. ― Robert Breault

26. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about those who don’t.

27. Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy.  Roy T. Bennett

28. If you’re always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you’re in? Slow down and enjoy the moment you’re in and live your life to the fullest. ― Nanette Mathews

Life is too short quotes

29. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. ― Mae West

30. Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realize it. ― Mother Teresa

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